Sunday, April 24, 2011

1st annual eggcellence awards!!!

ahhhh...this was fun!  nicole came over to my desk weeks ago and asked me if i wanted to help create some kind of egg decorating thing for our department for easter.  YES!!  yes, i do!!  so we came up with the 1st Annual Eggcellence Awards, with the people in our two departments on our floor invited (AP and CATS).  an egg decorating contest with 3 guest judges, 8 different categories to decorate eggs in, prizes, awards and lots of fun! 
here's the categories:
  1. prettiest egg
  2. ugliest egg
  3. egg that looks like a dead american president
  4. egg that could be found in a disco
  5. egg decorated with peeps
  6. egg with best facial hair
  7. egg that looks like a kitteh
  8. egg actually decorated for easter
you could enter multiple entries, so i went with 1. egg decorated with peeps, 2. egg found in a disco and 3. egg that looks like a dead american president.  i put the most work into the damn peeps category.  i started a week ahead (right after we announced the contest and sent the email out to our departments) by buying a bunch of peeps and setting them out to dry:

then the day before the actual contest, we had a time set aside for the actual coloring of the eggs and then people could take their eggs home and decorate, decorate, decorate!  my eggs after i was done coloring them:
not too much to look at, but the pink and yellowish one were colored with the neat metallic coloring that nicole got...they could've used a couple more coats to make it super solid color, but we only had so much time at work for coloring.

do peeps dry out well?  you would think that they would, but NO!  damn things were hard on the outside and still soft and squishy on the inside.  really really hard to slice in half.  but nice for the hot glue, you could really mush them around:

i was surprised by how creative people got, we work with funny crafty people!!:

aaaaaaand the winners are:
ugliest egg....nicole!

egg decorated with peeps....emily!:

egg that looks like a kitteh...carmen!:

egg found in a dicso...christen!:

prettiest egg...christen!:

egg actually decorated for easter...joint effort by kelsey and kelly!:

egg with the most fantastic facial hair...nicole!:

egg that looks like a dead american president...solomon!:

nicole, dawn and i went to archie mcphee's and got prizes.  so every category had 1st, 2nd and 3rd place prizes complete with little ribbons and gifts!
i got 2nd place twice, so i felt pretty good about that!:

and here's my prizes...

i originally got a plastic bearded lady from the circus, but i overheard christen saying she didn't want one of her first place prizes and of course, it was the one thing i was secretly coveting, so she traded with me!!  this paperweight, pen holder is tackily awesome!
the 1st annual eggcellence awards were super fun and nicole and i are already thinking of things to do for next year.  

1 comment:

  1. wow! these are great!!! it looked eggxciting!!! good job auntie!
