Wednesday, May 4, 2011


i am not a fan of sports.  i could really care less.  the most i've ever actively participated in a sport is frisbee golf when i was as the university of idaho.  no, i'm not taking about ultimate frisbee where you run your ass off over a whole football field playing keep away with a frisbee.  you know, the nice leisurely walk through campus, throwing a frisbee for 18 holes at objects on campus.  i looooooooved the unofficial frisbee golf course at the u of i.  i still play every time i go back to idaho even though there's been a shit load of construction through campus and the back 9 holes are totally effed up.  i'll be going to idaho next weekend for my step-sisters graduation and will be coming back with a sore shoulder from throwing a frisbee at least once a day. and now i look to see if there's anything on the web about the u of i course and what do i find???  SORROW!!!  and i'd just like to say for the record that the $13,000 worth of damage to the spanish american war statue could not EVEN be caused by frisbees.  that statues hands were not hacked off by frisbees!!  that's a metal statue!  really?  maybe you should look across the street at all the frats.  just sayin...
ANYWAY!  i'm not into sports and don't really care about watching sports on tv. but my job gives out free mariners tickets all season!  so you can enter the drawing and hopefully win tickets!  my friend amber's boss won GREAT tickets and gave them to amber so we went!  i had won once last season and vena and i went, but our seats weren't nearly as nice as the ones last night!
23 rows back from the mariners dugout.  farking awesome seats!!

amber, vena and i went.  i had also won tickets, but the seats weren't nearly as good as the ones from amber, so we all just sat in hers.

i took my holga and took some black and white shots so maybe this weekend i'll get around to developing that.  and maybe the 10 or so rolls i also have to develop.  so. lazy.
but, ichiro was in attendance and here's the shot i got of him:

and then there was this guy!  hot dog vendor with a HOT DOG HAT!  it was great!  i could totally see sally wearing this hat:

amber lasted about half an hour before being totally over it and went home.  vena and i lasted about another hour until it was too fucking cold to stay there.  should've brought a light blanket.  our seats were so great i was disappointed to not stay the whole game, but really...this spring in seattle has been COLD!  
so we left and took the light rail home:

going to baseball games is fun!  watching on tv is almost unbearable, but being in the stadium is pretty awesome.  i guess they won in the last minute or some shit and i wish i had been there to see that, but hopefully i'll win other tickets this summer and can go again!!

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