Tuesday, November 22, 2011


so in looking at food blogs and following links to other blogs and then to other blogs, i've found some pretty awesome easy recipes.  last night i made butter!  BUTTER!  i mean, i basically knew how it was made, i just didn't think it really was that simple.
my friend dawn lent me her mixer for the holidays since i don't have one that works.  and to thank her for letting me use her mixer i made a trial batch to give to her!

so to make butter, all you do is whip whipping cream until it turns into butter.  like 15 minutes.  i made it while i was doing some dishes.  here's the whipping cream.
and i loooove the color of her kitchenaid!  it's awesome!

it's getting there!


i added sea salt to it for a big crunchy salt taste and popped it into a canning jar.

yay!  i'll be making more for thanksgiving dinner!!

1 comment:

  1. i used to get yelled at at work whenever i overwhipped heavy cream... aka butter! :)
