Sunday, August 28, 2011

ivy and james's baby shower!!!

friday was the date for ivy nownotsmith and james's baby shower!  their baby boy is due in october and we don't know when she's going to go on maternity leave, so we decided a late august baby shower was in order!
here are all the pics that came out well.  i probably deleted half of them, but i still came away with quite a few good shots!!

as usual, i took pics of the food:

cupcakes from metropolitan market:

i made triple berry buttermilk mini scones:

and fruit with devonshire cream also from the trollop along with pink virgin lemonade:
what makes it virgin?  i don't get it...

and spring had on bitchin' eggplant purple chucks!!

they looked a little scared and apprehensive about what might be in prezzies.  don't worry!  we were nice!!
no one had met james before and i'm so sure we all gave him a great first impression.  really...we're sane!

and then the gift opening:

they got quite a few handmade presents.  a baby afghan from julie and spring and a stuffed cat and baby changing mat from me:

and also lots of great stuff from everyone!

nicole and i had been planning for MONTHS to get her a framed pic of a squirrel in underpants for the baby's room.  i think it will look just delightful :)

bwa hahahahahahahahahah! (james thinks we're crazy!)

it was a good baby shower.  their baby is going to be adorable and i can't wait to meet him.  i'm going to totally miss ivy at work and will cry when she leaves...

but in the meantime,
have i ever mentioned what good friends nicole and i are?  see......
i just don't understand why she's flipping me off.  is it because her boyfriend looks like this???:

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